Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thoughts of the Day 06-06-13

So, to kick things into gear here… I thought I’d share my “Thoughts for the Day”!

#1 –Some people never grow up –even a little bit.  Yesterday, a guy I went to school & church with in junior high & high school, AGAIN, tried to pick a fight with my husband like he used to do in high school.  Of course, my husband is about 953 times smarter than this guy –however, it just made me think of how many people this fucknut must do this to on a daily basis?  It’s been almost 15 years since he pulled this shit in high school… WTF?!  Seriously –get a life!

Dis mofo right behind me is extremely lucky I don't have a samurai sword!

I won’t deny it was highly entertaining to watch his idiocy unfold on FB.  The argument wasn’t even close.  My husband would make a point and it would just be responded to with violent threats and name calling.  My husband made him look like a child because he is so much smarter and stood up to him.  But hey, that’s one of the many qualities that made me choose my husband from day one –his intelligence and his balls! Hahaha –ya know the metaphorical ones… not the literal ones.  J

Me ANGRY! Me Need ATTENTION! Come to my house so me beat you up!

The whole ordeal really got me thinking though… why?  I never did anything to this guy and neither did my husband.  In fact, Fucknut the Bully (just decided that’s his new name) went to the same church I did growing up.  He was actually HUGELY popular in the congregation.  Every time I went to bible study class he was always the teacher’s pet, answering questions, and it largely felt like he was the standard on which everyone was measured.  You would think that someone who was held so highly would make an effort to uphold and portray “Christian Values” that were preached so hard in church.  But no, he wasn’t even nice to me there.  When I think of Fucknut’s face… all I EVER remember was a scowl down his nose at me, holding his head high because he was better than me.  This brings me to my next thought:

#2 –People need to get over themselves.  None of us are the center of the fucking universe so quit acting like your shits don’t stink…. Cause they do! YES –THEY DO! 

Ok –y’all are gonna learn really fast how much I love clipart… lol –who needs a poop clip art?? Seriously!

I’m not saying the people shouldn’t value themselves –they definitely should.  But there’s a fine line between being confident and arrogant and way too many people cross that line into the douchebag zone on a daily basis. 

#3 –Pepperidge Farm Milano Mint Cookies are the fucking BOMB YO! That’s right, I said it… they’re delish and I want them all in my mouft RIGHT NOW! Yeh yeh  Their cool minty flavor paired with a soft wafery (new word) cookie and a hint of chocolate… NUMMY NUM NUM NUM!

Aww yeah son…. Let me get up in dat bag!

#4 –I need to really make an effort to start going to bed on time.  But I’m such a night owl I never wanna… and I absolutely LOATHE mornings… However, I cannot function without sleep.  I really can’t and it sucks.  Oh well –can’t be perfect at everything right??  ;-)

OI!! With that I’m out!  See you on the flip side bitches! Hahaha

~GonzoGirl418 =^._.^=  \m/

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Well... HELLLLLOOOOooooo Theeeeere.....
My name is Kelli (a.k.a. GonzoGirl418) and this is my blog.  
(duh! :-P)

Since I'm starting this whole blogging thing again -I thought I'd start off with a little introduction and some information about myself.

As you may have read in the title description on the first page -this is just meant as a place to share my crazy thoughts and opinions for whoever might be interested. I'm not intending to hurt anyone's feelings, but if you get offended.... well, sorry. (maybe ---unless you're a douche then I'm NOT sorry).

I'm really kinda excited to get back into this whole swing of things... I love to write. I've wanted to be a Journalist for a long time. Though that isn't necessarily going to work out career wise -who's to say I can't just be a Journalist for my own life?? Am I Right?? Right??!

Oh well... fuck it. Let's get this party STARTED! ...I guess. LOL

Here's the first few questions from a collection that I found randomly via a Google Search to help you get to know someone. Please feel free to leave comments & give me some feed back.

Top 50 Questions to Get to Know Someone

Questions 1 - 10

1. What was your favorite food when you were a child? What about now?
  • When I was little, I REEEEEEAAAALLLY liked the basics like Mac-n-Cheese, etc.  But I think my favorite was Spaghetti O's w/Meatballs & Fritos.  It's so yummy to dip those toenail looking chips into that yummy sauce. MMMMMMmmm -I still like it to this day!
  • Nowadays... I guess in general it would have to be Mexican food... Nothing better than some chips & salsa and/or queso.  Pair that with a chicken fajita chimi OR some chilaquiles -YUMMY!!!
2. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod/Music Player?
  • House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
3. What is one of your favorite quotes?

  • “For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled." -Hunter S. Thompson
4. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

  • Indoor = Sleeping
  • Outdoor = Fishing/Swimming
5. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
  • Key Poo Clean-up -YUCK!
6. What is your favorite form of exercise?
  • uh huh huh know :-)
7. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
  • Time of Day = Night Time -I'm a Night Owl for SURE
  • Day of the Week = Saturday (a.k.a. Caturday) -because I get to sleep in with my kittehs AND stay up late all in the same day
  • Month of the Year = Probably October -it starts getting cooler and I love Halloween & Candy! hahaha
8. What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?
  • driving for long distances... We used to do that a lot when I was a kid and I guess I'm just burned out on it.  I get tired of being in the car and I especially hate it when I'm the one driving.  I'd rather hop on a plane and be there MUCH quicker.
9. What is your favorite body part?
  • The eyes -you can tell alot about a person or animal just by looking into the eyes.  They truly are the window to the soul.
10. What sound do you love?
  • Cats Purring and Babies Laughing

~GonzoGirl418 =^._.^=  \m/