Thursday, May 23, 2013


Well... HELLLLLOOOOooooo Theeeeere.....
My name is Kelli (a.k.a. GonzoGirl418) and this is my blog.  
(duh! :-P)

Since I'm starting this whole blogging thing again -I thought I'd start off with a little introduction and some information about myself.

As you may have read in the title description on the first page -this is just meant as a place to share my crazy thoughts and opinions for whoever might be interested. I'm not intending to hurt anyone's feelings, but if you get offended.... well, sorry. (maybe ---unless you're a douche then I'm NOT sorry).

I'm really kinda excited to get back into this whole swing of things... I love to write. I've wanted to be a Journalist for a long time. Though that isn't necessarily going to work out career wise -who's to say I can't just be a Journalist for my own life?? Am I Right?? Right??!

Oh well... fuck it. Let's get this party STARTED! ...I guess. LOL

Here's the first few questions from a collection that I found randomly via a Google Search to help you get to know someone. Please feel free to leave comments & give me some feed back.

Top 50 Questions to Get to Know Someone

Questions 1 - 10

1. What was your favorite food when you were a child? What about now?
  • When I was little, I REEEEEEAAAALLLY liked the basics like Mac-n-Cheese, etc.  But I think my favorite was Spaghetti O's w/Meatballs & Fritos.  It's so yummy to dip those toenail looking chips into that yummy sauce. MMMMMMmmm -I still like it to this day!
  • Nowadays... I guess in general it would have to be Mexican food... Nothing better than some chips & salsa and/or queso.  Pair that with a chicken fajita chimi OR some chilaquiles -YUMMY!!!
2. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod/Music Player?
  • House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
3. What is one of your favorite quotes?

  • “For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled." -Hunter S. Thompson
4. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

  • Indoor = Sleeping
  • Outdoor = Fishing/Swimming
5. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
  • Key Poo Clean-up -YUCK!
6. What is your favorite form of exercise?
  • uh huh huh know :-)
7. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
  • Time of Day = Night Time -I'm a Night Owl for SURE
  • Day of the Week = Saturday (a.k.a. Caturday) -because I get to sleep in with my kittehs AND stay up late all in the same day
  • Month of the Year = Probably October -it starts getting cooler and I love Halloween & Candy! hahaha
8. What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?
  • driving for long distances... We used to do that a lot when I was a kid and I guess I'm just burned out on it.  I get tired of being in the car and I especially hate it when I'm the one driving.  I'd rather hop on a plane and be there MUCH quicker.
9. What is your favorite body part?
  • The eyes -you can tell alot about a person or animal just by looking into the eyes.  They truly are the window to the soul.
10. What sound do you love?
  • Cats Purring and Babies Laughing

~GonzoGirl418 =^._.^=  \m/

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